Welcome To My World

My blog is my world of thoughts, pursuits, questions, and experiences. So relax, get a cup of tea or coffee and get to know me. I have taught at many schools, districts, and grade levels. So, I can say I do lead an interesting life.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thing #19 2.0 Awards List

Wow! What a list to choose from! There were so many to play with; however, I chose Lulu. Why? With teaching as a profession, I have so many stories to write and publish to show to my students how writing is fun and a form of sharing thoughts. For schools, Lulu offers many parts to publish, sell, or buy.

Someday I would like for the school that I work for to have each teacher contribute a special story about their lives and make a compliation of these stories--a calvacade of experiences! The students would be able to see how creative teachers are, and yes, teachers do write. This would be a perfect "kick off" to fourth grade students who will take the TAKS writing portion. Wow! This would open up the perfect way to see leads, endings, and most importantly the content.

For me this is a way to allow my students to see the different genres that I have composed. This is a point of departure---a way to "open" the eyes of my student. I wish I could have had Lulu three years ago! Well, this will allow me to write and publish!

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