Welcome To My World

My blog is my world of thoughts, pursuits, questions, and experiences. So relax, get a cup of tea or coffee and get to know me. I have taught at many schools, districts, and grade levels. So, I can say I do lead an interesting life.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thing #2

So far so good! I think this was the easiest thing to do. The commencement of library2 play sounds so easy, and it is if you don't make a moutain out of a mole hill. It's new and fun, but I need to relax and enjoy the fanfair as I reach each task with brillance and energy.

As a famous icon once said, "You'll never reach the palace talking like a peasant." Righty-O! I have to relax and smell the coffee and enjoy my new journey to the Lang of Blog, and be able to meet the Wizard of Blog by continuing to blog, write, and maintain this new course in my life.

More later, same bat time, same blog channel!

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I just opened your fortune cookie. It says, "You will go far in the Land of Blog!"